Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Disc Golf

I like going to play disc golf with my Dad. Disc golf is like regular golf except you throw a disc (like a Frisbee) and aim for a basket. It's a blast!


  1. Hi, Silas. Your uncles will be glad that your Dad has you as a new disc golf partner. When everyone is here at my house he's always trying to find someone to go play with him. We have 2 disc golf courses and he's only been to one of them, so next time you come you guys can go to the one he's never seen before. Maybe Cole could go with you. I like your website and have a bookmark on it so I can check it often.
    Grandma Van

  2. Hi Silas,

    What a nice web site. I saw your pictures and videos. They are very cool. I've heard many good stories about you from your dad. He told me that you are a very smart and nice boy. I played disc golf with your once. It is a very interesting game. I am going to visit your website every day. Keep posting new pictures and videos.

    Good Luck Silas.

  3. Hey Silas...what a great looking site...I am proud of you...obey your parents and send me some money...God Bless - Pastor John

  4. Hi Silas, Way to go buddy, you look like a pro playing disc golf. I love going to your web site and seeing all the interesting pictures. I love you bunches and bunches. Love Mamaw
