Sunday, February 1, 2009

Silas' Baptism

This is a video of me getting baptized last year.


  1. Bro. Silas,
    McKenna loves this video of you getting baptized. She wants to watch it over and over. We are so excited that you are living for God and can't wait to see your children's ministry!


    Sarah & McKenna

  2. Silas -- What a great day this must have been for you! You look so grown up! We all love your website and can't wait to see what you will put on it next.

    Lots of love,
    Aunt Beth

  3. Silas~~What a great feeling when you come up out of that water. Heather and I are so proud of you for loving the Lord and to be proud of posting this important day on your blog. What a little witness you are already. Keep living for the Lord and I know that one day you are going to do great things for GOd. We love you buddy...

    Bro. Dustin

  4. Silas, What a great web page.... It is my favorite your getting Baptized in Jesus Name ... =) =) I am smiling at you.... I received my Valentine Card and Invitation in the mail. Silas Thank You!!!! I am Honored to come... Thank You!!!! "God Bless" what a witness you are..... .Love Sis Virginia
